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Hitchhiking EP 1 // Trying a Hydrofoil Surfboard for the FIRST Time!!!! Crazy Island Adventures!!

Writer's picture: Forrest StevensForrest Stevens

First day Out! and I honestly can't remember a time in the recent past where I have had so much fun! Riley has been my best friend since grade 4 (actually thought he was super annoying when I first met him, but he grew on me.) and Riley is the type of guy who is always down for an adventure. So adventure we did! With in an hour of me being there we were already lowering down the boat and getting his homemade hydrofoil surfbaord which he built from fiber glassing an RC airplane wing and bolting it to an old surfboard, into the water! He made riding it look easy with elegance and grace on the board, I should you what it looks like what a noob looks like, and how to belly flop to get away from the aluminum and fiber glass hydrofoil which can act like a guillotine in the wrong conditions. But that wasn't enough adventure for us so we boat across the channel to a group of remote(ish) islands and run, climb, and fly drones. A video full of goofs and gaffs, and it's only the first one! A weekly schedule for this travel vlogs is what I am planning on doing, so they will be released every Wednesday!

I also did a shop tour with Riley, which you can watch right here! Liked the video? Support the show by using the links below! Visit Rileys ISLAND!!! Watch my Documentary about #Vanlife for Free! My main channel! Everything in my Camera Bag :: Everything in my Backpack :: Forrest Stevens Merch Store! :: Get Captions for your videos and increase the SEO! Consider supporting my videos on Patreon: :: Support this free content via PayPal :: Essential Vanlife and Off the Grid Supply list! - Listen to my Podcast! Travel for Nothing, Come Home Rich! Huge shout out to my patreons this month! Jamie Francis, Jennifer Stevens, Stephanie Bird! Instagram // Twitter // Facebook // Website // #sup #hydrofoil #vlog #vlogger #youtuber #hitchhiking #hitchhike #vlogging

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